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Fans cancelan a personaje de Super Mario Bros por ‘promover acoso sexual’: “Tóxico y misógino”

By Kevin Sato
Published in Entretenimiento
May 08, 2023
1 min read
Fans cancelan a personaje de Super Mario Bros por ‘promover acoso sexual’: “Tóxico y misógino”

So, have you heard about this Super Mario Bros character getting canceled because he supposedly promotes sexual harassment? Yeah, that’s right! Apparently, the internet has had enough of the behavior of a character named Birdo and have started a petition to remove her from future games.

As the article explains, Birdo is being called “toxic and misogynistic” due to her gender identity being never really defined and her gender being referred to with a male pronoun in some of the games. Not to mention, her pink ribbon being viewed as a symbol of a sex worker in Japanese culture.

Personally, I think this is a bit of an overreaction. I mean, it’s just a video game character, right? But I can understand some people being sensitive to the way certain things are portrayed in media and how it can impact society’s perceptions of gender.

Regardless of your stance on this issue, it does bring up the importance of representation and respectful language towards different genders and identities. It’s crucial for companies to take responsibility for their actions and ensure that they are promoting a positive message towards everyone in society.

What do you think about this issue? Do you think Birdo deserves to be canceled or it’s just an overreaction? Let’s discuss!

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Kevin Sato

Kevin Sato

Business & News Correspondent

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