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Feria Friki vuelve a Recoleta y con temática de Súper Mario Bros

By Kevin Sato
Published in Entretenimiento
May 09, 2023
1 min read
Feria Friki vuelve a Recoleta y con temática de Súper Mario Bros

So, I read this article about Feria Friki, which is basically a huge event for all things geeky and nerdy that’s taking place in Recoleta. And this year, they’re going all out with a Super Mario Bros. theme!

From what I understood, the event will have a bunch of stalls selling all sorts of things related to video games, anime, comics, and other stuff that only a true nerd could appreciate. There will also be cosplayers walking around, which is always one of my favorite parts of these events.

Apparently, this isn’t the first time Feria Friki has taken place in Recoleta, but it’s cool to see them switch up the theme every so often. Super Mario Bros. is definitely a classic, and I’m sure it’ll attract a lot of people.

As someone who’s been to a few of these types of events in the past, I can say that they’re always a lot of fun and a great way to meet fellow nerds. I even went to one dressed up as a Pokémon trainer once! (Don’t judge me.)

Overall, I thought this article was really interesting because it’s cool to see nerdy interests being celebrated and embraced by a larger community. Plus, who doesn’t love Super Mario Bros.?

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Kevin Sato

Kevin Sato

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