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Fiscalía inicia investigación por convenios suscritos durante el gobierno de Piñera entre Fundación Arquiduc y Minvu

By Krystal Clarity
Published in Actualidad
July 10, 2023
1 min read
Fiscalía inicia investigación por convenios suscritos durante el gobierno de Piñera entre Fundación Arquiduc y Minvu

The Public Prosecutor’s Office has launched an investigation into agreements signed between the Arquiduc Foundation and the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism (Minvu) during the government of former President Sebastián Piñera. This development has caught the attention of many due to the potential implications it holds.

In these agreements, the Arquiduc Foundation, which focuses on the promotion of environmental sustainability, allegedly received funds from the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism for various projects. However, concerns have been raised about the transparency and legality of these arrangements.

The investigation aims to determine whether the agreements were legally established and whether proper procedures were followed during the allocation of funds. The Public Prosecutor’s Office will also investigate the role of officials involved in these agreements.

This article highlights the significance of scrutinizing the actions and decisions made during a previous government. Transparency and accountability are fundamental pillars of a democratic society, and it is crucial to ensure that public funds are used appropriately and in accordance with the law. Furthermore, investigations like this help maintain trust in public institutions and safeguard the integrity of the political process.

It is important to note that at this stage, no specific allegations of wrongdoing have been made. The investigation will shed light on the nature of the agreements and will determine whether any criminal offenses were committed.

In conclusion, the initiation of an investigation by the Public Prosecutor’s Office into agreements signed between the Arquiduc Foundation and the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism during the government of Sebastián Piñera reflects the commitment to transparency and accountability in the allocation of public funds. This investigation aims to ensure that proper procedures were followed and that the actions of public officials were within the boundaries of the law. As citizens, it is essential to stay informed about such inquiries, as they contribute to the integrity of our democratic institutions.

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Psychic And Spiritual Counselor

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