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Fisco deberá pagar $680 millones a Fabiola Campillai y su familia

By Oliver Gallo
Published in Politica Nacional
June 02, 2023
1 min read
Fisco deberá pagar $680 millones a Fabiola Campillai y su familia

So I just read this crazy article about how Fisco has to pay $680 million to Fabiola Campillai and her family. In case you haven’t heard, Fabiola was hit by a tear gas canister fired by a police officer during a protest in Chile in 2019, and as a result, she lost both her eyes. It was a heartbreaking incident that sparked a lot of outrage and brought attention to police brutality.

Anyway, back to the article. The court ruled that the police officer who fired the canister was responsible for the harm caused to Fabiola, and that Fisco, which is essentially the Chilean government’s treasury, had to pay for damages. The $680 million will go towards covering medical expenses, as well as compensation for Fabiola’s loss of sight and the impact it has had on her life and her family’s life.

As someone who has followed this case closely, I was really pleased to see this decision. It’s a small victory for justice, and hopefully it sends a message to the police that they can’t just go around throwing tear gas canisters without consequence.

On a personal note, I think it’s important to recognize that police brutality isn’t just an issue in the US. It’s a global problem that affects people of all races and backgrounds, and we need to be aware of it and fight against it everywhere. This ruling is a step in the right direction, but there’s still a lot of work to be done.

All in all, I think this article is significant because it highlights the need for accountability and justice when it comes to police violence. I hope that Fabiola’s case inspires others to speak out and demand change.

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Oliver Gallo

Oliver Gallo

Investigative Journalist

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