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Francisco Vidal: “Lo que le pasó a Chile Vamos con Republicanos, es lo mismo que nos pasó a nosotros con el Frente Amplio”

By Laura White
Published in Politica Nacional
May 16, 2023
1 min read
Francisco Vidal: “Lo que le pasó a Chile Vamos con Republicanos, es lo mismo que nos pasó a nosotros con el Frente Amplio”

So, I came across this article about Francisco Vidal, a well-known politician in Chile, who made an interesting statement about their political parties.

Basically, he said that what happened to Chile Vamos with Republicans is the same thing that happened to them with Frente Amplio.

It’s like when your ex starts dating someone who looks exactly like you, right? But in this case, it’s political parties merging and changing their names.

Anyway, what Francisco Vidal meant by this is that Chile Vamos, a right-wing coalition, formed an alliance with the Republican Party, which used to be a small far-right group. The result was a new party called Chile Podemos Más.

And this reminded Vidal of when his own left-wing coalition, Frente Amplio, merged with other parties and became the Broad Front.

The point he was making is that political parties in Chile, just like in many other countries, are constantly changing and trying to adapt to new circumstances. But sometimes, those changes can be confusing or controversial.

For instance, some people were unhappy with Chile Vamos joining forces with Republicans because of their extreme views on immigration, women’s rights, and other issues.

And similarly, some members of Frente Amplio were critical of the Broad Front, especially after some of their partners supported the right-wing candidate in the presidential election.

So, what’s the takeaway here? I think it’s that politics is always evolving, and we need to be aware of the changes and the potential impact they can have on our lives and society as a whole.

Whether you are on the left, the right, or somewhere in between, you can’t afford to ignore what’s going on in the political arena. And who knows, maybe someday you’ll even become a Francisco Vidal yourself, making insightful comments on the twists and turns of political life.

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Laura White

Laura White

Education Correspondent

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