So, I came across this super interesting article that talks about the recent clash between the Colombian attorney Francisco Barbosa and the Defense Minister Ivan Velasquez. Apparently, Barbosa has gone and said that there will be no delegation from the UN in Colombia as long as he remains the attorney general. My main takeaway from this article is that the tensions between the government and the UN have been on the rise for a while now. The UN has been requesting to come to the country to investigate a bunch of human rights violations, but for some reason, the government has been stalling or straight-up denying their request. Now, I don’t know about you, but I think this is kind of messed up. I mean, if there’s nothing to hide, why not let the UN come in and investigate? And it’s not like this is an isolated incident either. Colombia has a long history of human rights violations, especially against marginalized communities, and it’s about time someone put a stop to it. Anyway, the article goes into a lot more detail about the whole thing, but that’s the gist of it. The takeaway here is that human rights are important, and we need to hold our leaders accountable when they try to sweep things under the rug.
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