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Fuerte choque entre el fiscal Francisco Barbosa y el ministro de Defensa Iván Velásquez: “Mientras yo sea fiscal general no habrá ninguna comisión de la ONU en Colombia”

By Laura White
Published in Actualidad
May 14, 2023
1 min read
Fuerte choque entre el fiscal Francisco Barbosa y el ministro de Defensa Iván Velásquez: “Mientras yo sea fiscal general no habrá ninguna comisión de la ONU en Colombia”

I came across an interesting article titled “Fuerte choque entre el fiscal Francisco Barbosa y el ministro de Defensa Iván Velásquez: ‘Mientras yo sea fiscal general no habrá ninguna comisión de la ONU en Colombia’“.

According to the article, on August 19th, there was a heated exchange of words between Colombian Attorney General Francisco Barbosa and Defense Minister Iván Velásquez. Barbosa, who was participating in a congressional hearing, declared that “while I am the Attorney General, there will be no UN commission in Colombia.” His statement was in response to a proposal from some Colombian politicians to invite the United Nations to investigate human rights violations in the country.

Velásquez, who was present at the hearing, expressed his disagreement with Barbosa’s position, arguing that “there is nothing wrong with having international observers in Colombia to help us with the defense of human rights.” Velásquez further stated that the Colombian government is committed to protecting human rights and that an international commission would only serve to strengthen this commitment.

The exchange between Barbosa and Velásquez reveals the ongoing tension in Colombia regarding human rights abuses by security forces and the need for accountability. International organizations have repeatedly called for investigations into allegations of extrajudicial killings and other abuses committed by Colombian security forces.

In conclusion, this article highlights the ongoing debate in Colombia about the need for international organizations to investigate human rights abuses and hold accountable those responsible. It also underscores the tension that exists between government officials as they grapple with how to address these complex issues.

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