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Fuerte choque entre el fiscal Francisco Barbosa y el ministro de Defensa Iván Velásquez: “Mientras yo sea fiscal general no habrá ninguna comisión de la ONU en Colombia”

By Carlos Hermano
Published in Actualidad
May 19, 2023
1 min read
Fuerte choque entre el fiscal Francisco Barbosa y el ministro de Defensa Iván Velásquez: “Mientras yo sea fiscal general no habrá ninguna comisión de la ONU en Colombia”

So, I was reading this wild article about a heated argument between the Fiscal General Francisco Barbosa and the Defense Minister Iván Velásquez. Barbosa straight up said, “As long as I’m the Fiscal General, there won’t be any UN commissions in Colombia.” Damn, shots fired!

Basically, Velásquez was suggesting that the UN should have an investigative commission in Colombia to look into cases of police brutality and human rights violations, but Barbosa was not having it. He argued that he has the authority to determine whether or not this kind of international commission is necessary, and in his opinion, it’s not.

To be honest, this argument doesn’t really come as a surprise to me. I mean, there has always been tension between the Colombian government and the UN when it comes to human rights investigations. But, it’s still important to pay attention to these kinds of disagreements, especially when it comes to holding authorities accountable for their actions.

At the end of the day, I think it’s important to remember that everyone deserves to live without fear of violence or oppression, and an international commission could help shed light on issues that aren’t getting the attention they deserve. So, even if Barbosa isn’t up for it, it’s still worth pushing for greater transparency and justice in our communities. #powerstruggles #humanrights #Colombia.

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Carlos Hermano

Carlos Hermano

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