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Fuerte choque entre el fiscal Francisco Barbosa y el ministro de Defensa Iván Velásquez: “Mientras yo sea fiscal general no habrá ninguna comisión de la ONU en Colombia”

By Maya Flores
Published in Actualidad
May 20, 2023
1 min read
Fuerte choque entre el fiscal Francisco Barbosa y el ministro de Defensa Iván Velásquez: “Mientras yo sea fiscal general no habrá ninguna comisión de la ONU en Colombia”

I just read this crazy article about a heated argument between the Colombian Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa and the Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez. Basically, Barbosa said he won’t allow any UN commission in the country as long as he’s the Attorney General. Can you believe that?

According to the article, the argument between them started because the UN had planned to establish a commission that would investigate the killings of hundreds of social leaders and human rights activists in Colombia. But Barbosa was furious and argued that there was no need for outside interference in their country’s affairs, claiming that their own justice system could handle things just fine.

Honestly, I’m not sure how to feel about this. On one hand, I understand that they want to maintain sovereignty and not involve outside agencies. But on the other hand, if their own justice system hasn’t been able to solve these murders and bring justice to the victims and their families, then maybe it’s time for some extra help.

What do you think? Have you heard anything else about this? Either way, it’s definitely a contentious topic, and it’s important to keep an eye on the situation and how it develops.

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Maya Flores

Maya Flores

News Correspondent

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September 13, 2023
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