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"Gas a precio justo": Bancada UDI cita a Jackson y Pardow tras relevarse que cada balón costó $117 mil

By Ryan Wu
Published in Politica Nacional
May 25, 2023
1 min read
"Gas a precio justo": Bancada UDI cita a Jackson y Pardow tras relevarse que cada balón costó $117 mil

I just read an eye-opening article called “Gas a precio justo”: Bancada UDI cita a Jackson y Pardow tras relevarse que cada balón costó $117 mil. The article highlights a major scandal involving the price of gas at a Chilean mining company.

Basically, the mining company was buying gas from a “dealer” at a price of $117,000 per gas container, while the actual market price was only $30,000. The company claimed they were unaware of the inflated price, but it’s pretty suspicious considering the “dealer” was actually a family member of one of the company’s executives.

This kind of corruption is unfortunately all too common in Chile. A lot of companies are run by a small group of wealthy elites who use their connections to get away with unethical practices like this.

It’s frustrating to see how little accountability there is for these kinds of crimes. I hope articles like this can help raise awareness and put pressure on the government to crack down on corrupt corporations.

Overall, it’s important to be aware of these issues and demand change. We need to hold companies accountable for their actions and work towards a more just and equitable society.

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Ryan Wu

Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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