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“Guardians of the Galaxy” y “Super Mario Bros” siguen al tope de la taquilla en Estados Unidos – Noticias

By Laura White
Published in Entretenimiento
May 15, 2023
1 min read
“Guardians of the Galaxy” y “Super Mario Bros” siguen al tope de la taquilla en Estados Unidos – Noticias

Yo! I just read an article that caught my attention called “Guardians of the Galaxy” y “Super Mario Bros” siguen al tope de la taquilla en Estados Unidos – Noticias. It’s all about two big movies still dominating the box office in the US.

In a nutshell, “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Super Mario Bros” are still going strong and holding the top spots in the US box office. Even after 4 weeks, “Guardians of the Galaxy” is still #1, while “Super Mario Bros” holds on to the #2 spot. It’s pretty impressive, considering how many movies come out each week.

Personally, I haven’t seen either movie yet, but I’m definitely curious about them now. I must admit, though, I’m not much of a movie person. I don’t really know what all the buzz is about, but people seem to love them.

Overall, I think it’s interesting to see how these movies are still doing so well, even after being in theaters for a while. It shows just how much people love superheroes and video game characters. Plus, it’s a reminder that we all need something fun and entertaining to look forward to during these crazy times.

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Laura White

Laura White

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