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Hadonais Nieves - Así no te amará jamás | Octavos de Final | The Voice Chile

By Ana Escamilla
Published in Entretenimiento
June 06, 2023
1 min read
Hadonais Nieves - Así no te amará jamás | Octavos de Final | The Voice Chile

I just read this really cool article about Hadonais Nieves on The Voice Chile. Basically, he sang a song called “Así no te amará jamás” during the Octavos de Final and it was amazing. The song is all about how someone will never love you if you keep treating them badly, and Hadonais really nailed the emotional intensity of the lyrics.

What I found particularly interesting was how he managed to connect with the audience on such a deep level. You could tell that he really believed in what he was singing and it was almost like he was speaking directly to anyone who has ever been in a toxic relationship.

As someone who’s been through some pretty tough breakups, I can definitely relate to the message of the song. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that mistreating someone will make them love you more, but in reality, it just pushes them away. Hadonais really captured that sense of regret and heartbreak in his performance, and I think that’s why he’s becoming such a fan favorite on the show.

Overall, I think this article sheds light on an important theme that we can all probably relate to in some way or another. Whether it’s a romantic relationship or a friendship, treating someone with kindness and respect is always the way to go!

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Ana Escamilla

Freelance Journalist

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