As President Piñera works to comply with a judicial ruling that aims to end discrimination against women in Chile’s private health insurance system, he warns that the implementation must be done in a “realistic” manner to prevent the government from monopolizing the industry. Known as Isapres, these health insurance providers have long been criticized for charging women more than men for the same coverage. Following a 2019 constitutional court decision that deemed the practice unconstitutional, Isapres have been ordered to develop unisex policies that provide equal pricing for men and women. The government has suggested creating a state-run insurer to compete with Isapres, but Piñera has expressed concerns over such a move, warning against monopolies and stating that the free market should dictate the industry. The implementation of this policy bears close observation, as it could signal a shift in the way private insurance providers are regulated in Chile. The ruling aims to eliminate gender discrimination in the healthcare industry, but the debate between government involvement and the free market continues to spark controversy.
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