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Javiera Vallejo, hermana de la vocera de Gobierno, asume como jefa de gabinete de rectoría de la UTEM

By Jason Nguyen
Published in Politica Nacional
May 17, 2023
1 min read
Javiera Vallejo, hermana de la vocera de Gobierno, asume como jefa de gabinete de rectoría de la UTEM

I read this wild article about Javiera Vallejo, who happens to be the sister of the spokesperson for the Chilean government, and how she just landed a sweet gig as the chief of staff for the rector of the UTEM university. Apparently, she’s got quite the impressive resume, and her connections are definitely playing in her favor.

The article explains how Vallejo has been working for some time as the director of research at the same university, so this promotion is definitely a big step up for her. It also highlights her background in political science and public policy, which undoubtedly played a role in her being offered the position.

I found it interesting how nepotism seems to be at play here, but at the same time, it’s probably not unusual in a country like Chile where personal connections are crucial for getting ahead in many industries. It’s also impressive to see a woman taking a leadership role in academia, especially given the challenges that women often face in these types of environments.

Overall, I think this article sheds light on the importance of networking and creating meaningful relationships in order to advance professionally. It also highlights the need for diversity and representation in leadership positions in all sectors, including academia. Who knows, maybe one day my own sister will be the chief of staff for a prominent university!

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Jason Nguyen

Freelance Journalist

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