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Jugadora transgénero de básquet fue vetada de torneos femeninos australianos | Lexi Rodgers | Basketball Australia

By Kevin Sato
Published in Deportes
May 09, 2023
1 min read
Jugadora transgénero de básquet fue vetada de torneos femeninos australianos | Lexi Rodgers | Basketball Australia

So, have you heard about this transgender basketball player in Australia? Apparently, she’s been banned from playing in women’s tournaments because she’s considered too physically dominant. It’s pretty wild.

Basically, Basketball Australia has decided that Hannah Mouncey, who used to be a man, has an unfair advantage over other female players because of her height and strength. They claim that their decision is based on safety concerns and not prejudice, but a lot of people are calling foul.

It’s not the first time that a transgender athlete has faced these kinds of restrictions. I remember when the Olympic Committee had to come up with new guidelines for trans athletes because some people were worried that they would dominate the competition. But the thing is, being trans doesn’t automatically make you better at sports. There are plenty of cisgender women who are taller and stronger than Mouncey, but they don’t get singled out in the same way.

It’s frustrating to see athletes being judged based on their gender identity rather than their skills, especially when they’ve already had to face so much discrimination in their lives. I think it’s important for sports organizations to challenge their own biases and keep in mind that everyone deserves a fair shot at playing the game they love.

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Kevin Sato

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