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Kast: "La derecha está más cerca de llegar a La Moneda, y si es un republicano, feliz"

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Politica Nacional
May 14, 2023
1 min read
Kast: "La derecha está más cerca de llegar a La Moneda, y si es un republicano, feliz"

The political landscape in Chile is heating up as the 2021 presidential election approaches. In a recent interview with radio station Agricultura, Joaquín Lavín, mayor of Las Condes and potential candidate for the right-wing coalition, discussed his thoughts on the upcoming election. He stated that he believes the right-wing coalition is closer than ever to taking the presidency, and that if a Republican candidate wins, it would be cause for celebration.

Lavín’s comments are significant because they reflect the growing strength of the right-wing coalition, which has been gaining momentum since the protests in 2019. The coalition has been united in its opposition to the left-wing government of President Sebastián Piñera, and has capitalized on the economic and social turmoil of the past year to build support among voters.

Despite this, the election is still far from decided. The left-wing coalition, led by former socialist president Michelle Bachelet, remains a formidable opponent, and the outcome will likely depend on a number of factors, including the economy, social issues, and the handling of the pandemic.

Regardless of the outcome, the election will have significant implications for the future of Chile. The country has been struggling with political polarization, economic inequality, and social unrest for years, and the election presents an opportunity for change. By paying attention to the candidates and their platforms, voters can ensure that their voices are heard and that the country moves in the direction they want.

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José Antonio Kast: “La derecha está más cerca de llegar a La Moneda”
Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

Freelance Writer

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