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Kast tilda a Boric de “cobarde” por frase de la muerte

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Politica Nacional
August 30, 2023
2 min read
Kast tilda a Boric de “cobarde” por frase de la muerte

In a recent turn of events, the mayor-elect of Puerto Rico’s capital city, San Juan, has stirred up controversy by making a comment during a political rally. José “Joito” Vargas Vidot, better known as Kast tilda, had referred to his opponent, Pedro “Boric” Roselló, as a “coward” for a statement he made regarding death. This fiery exchange has ignited a heated debate among supporters of both candidates, as well as the general public.

What caught my attention about this article was the intense emotions and strong language being used by both politicians. It’s not every day that you see a political figure openly calling their opponent a coward.

According to the article, the controversy erupted after Roselló made a statement implying that he does not fear death, comparing it to a “beautiful act of love” that could be experienced “anywhere, anytime.” Kast tilda seized on this, interpreting it as an insensitive and reckless comment, and in turn, branded Roselló a coward.

This exchange has significantly impacted the ongoing political landscape in Puerto Rico, just weeks before the November 2020 general elections. Both Kast tilda and Roselló are vying for the mayor’s seat in San Juan, a position that carries immense responsibility and influence.

In my personal experience, I have noticed that political campaigns often reach a boiling point with intense rhetoric as election day approaches. However, the use of derogatory terms and personal attacks is not commonly seen at this level. This incident highlights the polarizing nature of politics and the lengths to which politicians sometimes go to win over voters.

The key takeaway from this situation is the importance of constructive and respectful political discourse. While it is natural for candidates to disagree and critique each other’s views, resorting to name-calling and personal attacks undermines the integrity of the election process. Moreover, it detracts from the real issues at hand and distracts voters from making informed decisions.

It is crucial for political figures to engage in dialogue that is focused on policies, plans, and the betterment of society. Voters should demand a higher standard of discourse from those seeking public office. By doing so, we can foster a more inclusive and productive political environment that benefits everyone.

In conclusion, the controversy ignited by Kast tilda’s comment about Pedro Roselló’s statement on death has shaken up the political landscape in San Juan. It serves as a reminder that respectful and substantive dialogue is integral to a healthy democratic process. As voters, we should critically evaluate candidates based on their positions and their ability to engage in civil discourse, ensuring that our communities are led by individuals who prioritize the greater good.

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Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

Freelance Writer

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