Oh my gosh, have you heard about the crazy article about Megan Markle?! Apparently, she left a “heart-stopping turd” at a friend’s house and the photo is causing quite the stir in England.
Basically, the article is talking about how a photo of Megan Markle’s poop is making headlines because it’s allegedly at a friend’s house and causing a lot of drama. The article itself is in Spanish, but it’s definitely worth checking out if you want a giggle.
Personally, I find it pretty hilarious that a photo of someone’s poop is making the news, but it’s also kind of sad that society puts so much importance on the actions of celebrities. Plus, it’s a reminder that everyone poops - even royalty!
Overall, while this might not be the most important news story out there, it’s still a funny and interesting read. Who knows, maybe some good will come of it and people will feel more comfortable talking about poop in general.
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