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La Roja Femenina valora el microciclo al mando de Luis Mena: 'Hay nuevos objetivos, caras nuevas y energía por sacar esto adelante'

By Jason Nguyen
Published in Deportes
June 16, 2023
1 min read
La Roja Femenina valora el microciclo al mando de Luis Mena: 'Hay nuevos objetivos, caras nuevas y energía por sacar esto adelante'

The women’s national soccer team in Chile, known as La Roja Femenina, recently completed a microcycle under the leadership of coach Luis Mena, where they evaluated new objectives, faces, and energy to move forward. In a recent interview, Mena spoke about the importance of preparing for the team’s upcoming competitions and how the microcycle helped the players gain a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities on the team. According to Mena, the team’s roster includes many new faces, and he stresses the importance of working together to accomplish their goals. This news article caught my attention because it highlights the hard work and dedication of the Chilean women’s soccer team and their coach, who are all striving towards success. As a fan of soccer and women’s sports, I appreciate the effort these athletes put into their sport, and I am excited to see how they will perform in their upcoming matches. Overall, this story reminds us that determination and teamwork are essential ingredients for achieving success, both on and off the field.

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Jason Nguyen

Jason Nguyen

Freelance Journalist

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