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Las felicitaciones públicas que recibió la película de Super Mario Bros por parte de Disney

By Carlos Hermano
Published in Entretenimiento
May 16, 2023
1 min read
Las felicitaciones públicas que recibió la película de Super Mario Bros por parte de Disney

So, I came across this really interesting article about how Super Mario Bros - yeah, the Nintendo game - actually received public congratulations from Disney back in the day. Crazy, right? Apparently, Disney was impressed with how well the movie adaptation of the game did at the box office, so they sent a letter to the filmmakers expressing their admiration.

According to the article, the movie didn’t receive the warmest of receptions from audiences or critics, but it did well enough financially to catch the attention of Disney. It’s kind of funny to think about it now - like, who would have thought that a quirky video game about a mustachioed plumber would end up impressing one of the biggest movie studios in the world?

As someone who grew up playing Super Mario Bros, this news definitely caught my attention. It’s always cool to see how something that was once considered niche or nerdy can actually end up making a big impact on pop culture as a whole. Plus, it’s kind of neat to imagine Mickey Mouse himself sitting down to watch a movie based on a game that was once exclusively associated with Nintendo.

All in all, I think this article serves as a reminder that sometimes, the things we initially dismiss or overlook can end up surprising us in really cool ways. Whether you’re a gamer or not, it’s always worth keeping an open mind and being willing to embrace the unexpected - you never know what kind of hidden gems you might discover.

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Carlos Hermano

Carlos Hermano

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