I came across an interesting article titled “Las isapres no son las víctimas”: ministra de Salud responde a dura crítica por ley corta. The article talks about the recent controversy surrounding private health insurance companies in Chile, also known as “isapres”. Apparently, the government had proposed a new law that would eliminate discrimination against women by forcing isapres to charge men and women the same premiums. Sounds reasonable, right? Well, the isapres didn’t think so and complained that this law would hurt their profits.
But here comes the interesting part. The Minister of Health promptly responded to the criticism, saying that the isapres were not the victims, but rather the ones who had been discriminating against women for years. She argued that this law was necessary to promote gender equality and protect women’s health. And you know what? I couldn’t agree more.
As a woman, I’ve always been frustrated by the fact that I have to pay higher premiums just because of my gender. It’s not fair and it’s not right. And I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. So, I think it’s great that the government is finally taking action to address this issue.
Overall, this article highlights an important debate in our society: the balance between private interests and public goods. On one hand, the isapres have a legitimate interest in making profits, but on the other hand, they cannot do so at the expense of women’s health and wellbeing. I hope that this law passes and that we can move closer to achieving true gender equality in healthcare.
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