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"Lloró mucho": Mauricio Flores reveló paro cardiorrespiratorio de comediante tras enterarse del estado de salud de su hija

By Kevin Sato
Published in Mascotas
May 13, 2023
1 min read
"Lloró mucho": Mauricio Flores reveló paro cardiorrespiratorio de comediante tras enterarse del estado de salud de su hija

Mauricio Flores, famous for his role in the popular TV show “El Club de la Comedia”, revealed that comedian Juan Carlos “Palta” Meléndez suffered a cardiopulmonary arrest after learning about his daughter’s critical condition. Meléndez’s 27-year-old daughter, who was pregnant at the time, had a complicated delivery that led to the newborn’s death and the mother’s admission to an intensive care unit. Flores explained that Meléndez cried a lot upon hearing the news and then suddenly collapsed, causing great concern among those present. Meléndez was rushed to the hospital where he underwent surgery to receive a pacemaker. The comedian is now in stable condition and is expected to make a full recovery. As such, the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of emotional wellbeing and demonstrates how stressful situations can have a significant impact on one’s health. It also highlights the important role that humor and laughter play in helping individuals handle challenging circumstances.

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Kevin Sato

Kevin Sato

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