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Médicos realizan con éxito primera cirugía cerebral de un feto

By Jason Nguyen
Published in Vida Sana
May 08, 2023
1 min read
Médicos realizan con éxito primera cirugía cerebral de un feto

So, I came across this article about some doctors performing a successful surgery on a fetus’s brain. Crazy, right?

Apparently, the surgery was the first of its kind and was done to fix a rare condition where the baby’s skull wasn’t properly closing, which put pressure on the brain. The doctors were able to safely operate on the fetus while still in the womb, and both the mother and the baby are doing great.

The procedure is a huge leap forward in medical advancements, and it’s amazing to see what our technology and knowledge can do. It’s also incredible to think about how this could potentially give babies a better chance at a healthy life.

It’s stories like these that remind me of the power of medicine and science. It makes me proud to be living in a time where we’re constantly pushing the boundaries and finding new solutions to old problems. Plus, it’s just fun to freak out about all the cool things happening in the world!

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Jason Nguyen

Jason Nguyen

Freelance Journalist

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