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“Me desagrada”: Nelson Beltrán se llenó de críticas tras duros comentarios a Pedro Pascal

By Ana Escamilla
Published in Entretenimiento
May 09, 2023
1 min read
“Me desagrada”: Nelson Beltrán se llenó de críticas tras duros comentarios a Pedro Pascal

So, I just read this article about Nelson Beltrán, a Colombian actor and radio host, who made some pretty harsh comments about Pedro Pascal, the star of The Mandalorian and Narcos. Apparently, Beltrán said he was “disgusted” by Pascal’s accent and questioned why he was succeeding in Hollywood when there are plenty of talented Latino actors in Colombia who speak Spanish without an accent. Naturally, people were not happy with these comments and called him out on social media.

In my opinion, this is a tricky topic because accents are such a personal and even political issue. As someone who grew up in a multicultural household, I know firsthand how sensitive it can be to feel like your accent is being criticized or judged. On the other hand, I can understand where Beltrán is coming from in terms of wanting to elevate indigenous or non-white actors in Hollywood, where Eurocentric standards often prevail. But in any case, there are better ways to have that conversation than to attack someone’s accent.

Anyway, the article goes on to say that Beltrán apologized for his comments, but some people are still calling for him to be fired from his job as a radio host. It just goes to show how quickly things can blow up on social media these days!

All in all, I think this article is a good reminder of the power of language and how important it is to be careful with what we say, especially in the public eye. No matter where we come from or what our opinions are, we can all benefit from being more thoughtful and considerate in our communication.

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Ana Escamilla

Ana Escamilla

Freelance Journalist

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