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“Me duele que no haya dado la cara”: Evelyn Matthei se sincera sobre Augusto Pinochet

By Kevin Sato
Published in Politica Nacional
June 09, 2023
1 min read
“Me duele que no haya dado la cara”: Evelyn Matthei se sincera sobre Augusto Pinochet

A recent candid interview with Chilean politician, Evelyn Matthei, has shed light on her relationship with former dictator Augusto Pinochet. In the interview, Matthei discusses her personal ties to Pinochet, expressing remorse for not confronting him about his actions during his regime. Matthei admits to feeling hurt by Pinochet’s unwillingness to take responsibility for the atrocities committed under his leadership. The former president’s legacy remains a controversial topic in Chile, with some viewing him as a hero and others condemning his human rights abuses. Matthei’s honesty about her feelings towards Pinochet highlights the complexity of grappling with a country’s dark past. This interview serves as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging and addressing historical injustices for true reconciliation to take place.

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"Me duele que él no haya dado la cara en el tema de derechos humanos": Matthei por figura de Pinochet
Kevin Sato

Kevin Sato

Business & News Correspondent

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