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Metallica se llena de quejas por excesivo ruido de sus conciertos

By Jason Nguyen
Published in Entretenimiento
June 11, 2023
1 min read
Metallica se llena de quejas por excesivo ruido de sus conciertos

I just read an article about Metallica, and it turns out they’re getting slammed for being too loud during their concerts. Apparently, after a recent show in Switzerland, residents near the stadium filed more than 100 complaints about the noise.

According to the article, Metallica has been dealing with noise complaints from neighbors for years. But this time, the complaints were so numerous that the local government is launching an investigation.

As a big Metallica fan, I have to admit that their concerts have been loud, like really loud. But isn’t that part of the experience? You go to a Metallica show for the adrenaline rush, the heart-pumping music, and the powerful performance. If you want something quiet, go to the library!

In all seriousness, though, noise pollution is a real concern, and it’s important for musicians and venues to be mindful of their impact on the surrounding community. It’s also a reminder that we all have to find a balance between pursuing our passions and respecting our neighbors.

Overall, the article raises interesting questions about the responsibility that comes with being a performer and the need to consider the impact of our actions on those around us. And who knows, maybe Metallica will turn down their amps a notch or two in the future. At least until they hit the big choruses.

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Jason Nguyen

Jason Nguyen

Freelance Journalist

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