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“Mi día comienza y termina con…”: Irina Karamanos sorprendió con desconocido detalle sobre su relación con el Presidente Boric

By Owen Galvez
Published in Actualidad
May 19, 2023
1 min read
“Mi día comienza y termina con…”: Irina Karamanos sorprendió con desconocido detalle sobre su relación con el Presidente Boric

Have you ever wondered what the personal life of a president is like? Well, in a recent interview, Irina Karamanos surprised everyone with a revelation about her relationship with the Chilean President, Gabriel Boric.

The article highlights how Karamanos’ day begins and ends with the President, as she takes care of all the personal aspects of his life. From waking him up in the morning to making sure he eats healthy and to ensuring he gets enough rest, Karamanos is responsible for the well-being of the President.

Although Karamanos has been working with Boric since he was a congressman, not many people knew about her role in his personal life until now. The article provides a fascinating insight into the life of a president and the people who work behind the scenes to ensure their well-being.

The article is not just about the personal life of the President, but it also sheds light on the importance of having a support system in one’s life. Without Karamanos’ assistance, the President would not be able to take on the challenges that come with his role.

The article is an engaging and informative read that offers a unique perspective on the life of a president. It also highlights the importance of having a support system, no matter how big or small, in order to succeed in life.

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Owen Galvez

Owen Galvez

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