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Milán Piqué hizo una gran contribución en la melodía final de 'Acróstico'

By Grace Chen
Published in Entretenimiento
June 16, 2023
1 min read
Milán Piqué hizo una gran contribución en la melodía final de 'Acróstico'

Milán Piqué, the eldest son of Colombian singer Shakira and Spanish soccer star Gerard Piqué, has made a significant contribution to the final melody of a song named “Acróstico” by Puerto Rican singer Kany García. In an Instagram post, García shared that she had initially written the song without a final melody, and when Milán heard it, he provided her with one that ended up being the perfect fit for the tune.

García added that the process of creating the song was a collaboration between herself, her fans, and now, Milán. The singer was pleased with the input from the nine-year-old and described it as an “unexpected surprise” that made the song even more charming.

This is not the first time that Milán has showcased his musical talents - he previously sang a few lines on Shakira’s album “El Dorado,” which won a Grammy for Best Latin Pop Album in 2017.

The story is particularly noteworthy because it reveals how artistic creativity runs in the family, and it could inspire other parents to support their children’s talents. Moreover, it’s impressive to see such a young child contribute meaningfully to a professional music production.

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Grace Chen

Grace Chen

Freelance Writer

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