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Ministra Vallejo: “Lo que siempre corresponde es que se contacte a todas las clínicas”

By Elias Herrera
Published in Politica Nacional
June 19, 2023
1 min read
Ministra Vallejo: “Lo que siempre corresponde es que se contacte a todas las clínicas”

Ministra Vallejo, the Minister of Health of Costa Rica, has recently made an important statement regarding the country’s healthcare system. In an interview, she emphasized the importance of contacting all clinics during an emergency situation. This will ensure that patients receive timely assistance regardless of the clinic they are affiliated with.

According to the Minister, such measures are imperative, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which has put a significant strain on healthcare systems worldwide. In countries like Costa Rica, where the public healthcare system is free, many people rely solely on public hospitals and clinics for medical assistance, making it essential to streamline emergency services.

She further stressed the importance of utilizing technology to access up-to-date information on hospital capacity and ensure equal distribution of resources. This would allow healthcare officials to make informed decisions based on real-time data and provide faster assistance during emergencies.

The Minister’s statement underscores the importance of an efficient healthcare system in any country, particularly in times of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the need for improved healthcare infrastructure, immediate response and coordination between healthcare providers, technological advancements, and data-led decision-making.

As we continue to navigate the pandemic, healthcare officials must continue to prioritize and invest in healthcare systems to ensure that patients receive timely and equitable medical assistance, regardless of their financial situation or geographic location.

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