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Ministra Vallejo realizó cuenta pública participativa de Segegob en la Pintana: “Rendirle a la ciudadanía de manera transparente y muy clara cuál ha sido nuestro trabajo”

By Owen Galvez
Published in Politica Nacional
May 23, 2023
1 min read
Ministra Vallejo realizó cuenta pública participativa de Segegob en la Pintana: “Rendirle a la ciudadanía de manera transparente y muy clara cuál ha sido nuestro trabajo”

The Minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, Karla Rubilar Vallejo, presented a participatory public account of the ministry’s work in La Pintana, Chile. During the event, which was attended by residents and local authorities, Vallejo aimed to explain in a transparent and clear manner the work that the government has been developing to improve citizens’ quality of life and promote social cohesion. The Minister emphasized the importance of including citizens in the decision-making process and praised the municipality of La Pintana for its transparency and accountability in managing public resources. This event is part of a broader effort by the Chilean government to foster closer ties with citizens, promote accountability and transparency in public institutions and build a more inclusive and participatory democracy. In a context in which distrust in public institutions is widespread in many parts of the world, initiatives like this are essential to rebuild citizens’ trust in their leaders and strengthen the foundations of democratic societies.

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Owen Galvez

Owen Galvez

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