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Ministro Ávila dice que polémico operativo de salud en Talcahuano no depende del Mineduc

By Isabel Thakur
Published in Mascotas
June 07, 2023
1 min read
Ministro Ávila dice que polémico operativo de salud en Talcahuano no depende del Mineduc

So, I read an article about an operation gone wrong in Talcahuano, and apparently, the Minister of Education said it wasn’t their fault. Basically, a group of students in a nursing program were sent to do a public health operation in some low-income neighborhoods. They ended up giving out medications that weren’t authorized by the Ministry of Health, and some people got sick. Now, there’s a big investigation going on to see who’s responsible for this mess.

Honestly, reading this just reminded me of a time when I was in school and we had a similar situation happen. We were supposed to go out into the community and talk about health issues, but our teacher didn’t give us enough guidance or supervision. Long story short, we ended up putting people in danger because we didn’t know what we were doing.

Anyway, it’s scary to think that these types of mistakes can happen, especially when it comes to people’s health. It’s important for everyone involved to take responsibility and be accountable for their actions. Hopefully, this investigation brings some clarity and justice for those affected by the Talcahuano operation.

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Isabel Thakur

Isabel Thakur

Food & Fashion Writer

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