Natalia Valdebenito, a Chilean comedian, has slammed Dr. María Luisa Cordero for her insensitive remarks about Delia Campillai, a Chilean activist who was blinded after being hit by a police projectile during a protest in 2019. During a TV show, Cordero questioned what would happen to Campillai now that her case has been dismissed. Valdebenito posted a video on social media condemning Cordero’s comments as cruel and disrespectful to Campillai and all victims of police violence. She also criticized the TV network for allowing such comments to be aired. The incident has sparked outrage among social media users, who have called for Cordero’s resignation. This article highlights the importance of being careful about what one says on a public platform, especially when it comes to sensitive issues like police brutality and social justice. It also demonstrates the power of social media in holding individuals and media outlets accountable for their actions.
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