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“Ni Arjona se atrevió a tanto”: Beto Cuevas se lució como trovador en The Voice - Chilevisión

By Isabel Thakur
Published in Entretenimiento
May 08, 2023
1 min read
“Ni Arjona se atrevió a tanto”: Beto Cuevas se lució como trovador en The Voice - Chilevisión

So, I read this really cool article the other day about Beto Cuevas and his performance on The Voice. It was titled “Ni Arjona se atrevió a tanto”: Beto Cuevas se lució como trovador en The Voice - Chilevisión. The title alone caught my attention because who doesn’t love a good music performance, am I right?

Basically, the article talks about how Beto Cuevas, former lead singer of the Chilean band La Ley, blew the judges and audience away with his performance on The Voice. He performed a traditional Chilean song called “Gracias a la Vida” and his voice was just incredible. The judges even commented on how they wish they could turn back time and have him on their teams.

What also stood out to me was how Beto Cuevas has been working on incorporating more traditional Chilean music into his repertoire, which I think is really important because it’s a great way to preserve and showcase Chilean culture.

Personally, I’ve always loved when musicians incorporate traditional elements into their music. It’s a great way to learn about different cultures and appreciate the beauty of different musical styles.

Overall, I think the article highlights the importance of preserving cultural traditions and how music can be a powerful tool in doing so. Plus, who doesn’t love a good performance?

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Isabel Thakur

Isabel Thakur

Food & Fashion Writer

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