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"Ni Judas se atrevió a tanto": Carlos Vives explica el polémico "like" a foto de Piqué y Clara Chía

By Tristan Garcia
Published in Entretenimiento
June 01, 2023
1 min read
"Ni Judas se atrevió a tanto": Carlos Vives explica el polémico "like" a foto de Piqué y Clara Chía

Have you ever accidentally liked a social media post and then regretted it? Well, Colombian singer Carlos Vives found himself in hot water recently after he accidentally liked a photo of soccer star Gerard Piqué and his new girlfriend, writer Clara Chía. The problem? Clara Chía is the ex-wife of Vives’ friend, actor Javier Bardem. Needless to say, the “like” caused quite a stir online, with many people questioning whether Vives was being disloyal to his friend.

But now, Vives is setting the record straight. In a recent interview, he explained that he never intended to hurt anyone and that the “like” was simply a mistake. He even went so far as to say that “not even Judas dared to do that” (referring to Judas betraying Jesus in the Bible).

While this may seem like a trivial issue, it highlights the impact that social media can have on our relationships and how easily we can slip up online. It’s also a reminder of the importance of being mindful of our actions and how they might affect others.

In conclusion, Carlos Vives’ accidental “like” may have caused a lot of drama, but ultimately it serves as a cautionary tale for all of us about being more thoughtful on social media.

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Tristan Garcia

Tristan Garcia

Writer & Tech Critic

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