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No es indispensable que haya una declaración oficial de protección de un humedal para el ejercicio de las acciones destinadas a proteger esa clase de áreas territoriales

By Carlos Hermano
Published in Mascotas
May 28, 2023
1 min read
No es indispensable que haya una declaración oficial de protección de un humedal para el ejercicio de las acciones destinadas a proteger esa clase de áreas territoriales

So, I came across this interesting article that talks about the protection of wetlands. Basically, it says that it’s not necessary to have an official declaration protecting a wetland in order to take actions to protect it.

The article explains that even if a wetland doesn’t have a formal designation, it’s still important to keep it protected, because they play a crucial role in our ecosystem. Wetlands help to filter water, reduce flood risk, and provide habitats for wildlife. Therefore, we should all do our part in ensuring that they are safeguarded.

I remember going on a camping trip to a wetland area last year, and it was amazing to see how so many different types of animals and plants coexist in one area. It’s crazy to think that some people don’t understand the value of these areas, and they just want to destroy them for selfish reasons.

Overall, this article reminds us of the importance of preserving these natural areas, regardless of whether they have an official designation or not. We can all do our part in protecting them by staying informed, reporting any harmful activities, and advocating for their preservation. It’s up to us to ensure that future generations can enjoy these incredible spaces just like we have.

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