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No es indispensable que haya una declaración oficial de protección de un humedal para el ejercicio de las acciones destinadas a proteger esa clase de áreas territoriales

By Carlos Hermano
Published in Mascotas
May 28, 2023
1 min read
No es indispensable que haya una declaración oficial de protección de un humedal para el ejercicio de las acciones destinadas a proteger esa clase de áreas territoriales

Have you ever wondered how protected wetlands are in your area? An interesting article titled “No es indispensable que haya una declaración oficial de protección de un humedal para el ejercicio de las acciones destinadas a proteger esa clase de áreas territoriales” sheds light on this topic. Essentially, the article explains that the official declaration of protection isn’t necessary for wetlands to receive the protections they require. In other words, even if a wetland hasn’t been formally declared a protected area, it can still be subject to governmental protections from development and other harmful activities. This is because wetlands are recognized as important areas for environmental conservation and biodiversity maintenance. The article goes on to discuss the many benefits of wetlands, such as water filtration, flood control, and increased carbon sequestration, which highlights why it’s crucial that these areas be protected. Overall, this article provides valuable information on why wetland protection is so important, even if it hasn’t been officially declared. It’s essential to recognize the many benefits that wetlands provide to both wildlife and humans alike, and take proactive steps to protect them for generations to come.

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Carlos Hermano

Carlos Hermano

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