So, I came across an article that caught my attention titled Novedades De Pagos Devolución IVA 2023. It’s a piece that talks about some changes that are going to happen in tax refund payments for goods and services that were exported from Spain.
Basically, what I gathered from the article is that starting in 2023, the Spanish government is going to require businesses that claim a VAT refund for exported goods or services to have a bank account in Spain. This is a significant change because previously, businesses could have their refunds credited to bank accounts outside of Spain.
The article states that the reason for this change is to prevent fraud in the VAT refund process. It’s interesting to see how the Spanish government is taking steps to tackle this issue, especially when you consider that VAT fraud costs the EU billions of euros each year.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve always found taxes to be a rather dry subject. So, it’s good to see that the Spanish government is giving people a bit of a heads up on this change that’s going to affect businesses that export goods or services from Spain.
In conclusion, if you’re a business owner who exports goods or services from Spain, it’s important to be aware of this change in the VAT refund process. Make sure you have a bank account in Spain so that you can continue to claim your refunds.
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