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Novedades en la Compra Pública Mayo 2023

By Ryan Wu
Published in Mascotas
May 09, 2023
1 min read
Novedades en la Compra Pública Mayo 2023

The world of public purchases is changing once again! The latest update is set to take place in May 2023 and promises a whole range of exciting new features that will aid businesses looking to sell to public institutions.

So what can we expect from this update? One major change will be the introduction of a central database where companies can register, making it easier for purchasing organizations to find and access their services. This, in turn, will drastically streamline the purchasing process, making it faster and more efficient.

Another exciting addition is the integration of AI technology, which will make it easier to identify and eliminate fraudulent bidders, ultimately creating a fairer and more transparent purchasing process.

It’s important to remember that these changes aren’t happening in a vacuum. It’s part of a larger trend towards digitization and automation in the world of public tendering. As more and more purchasing organizations integrate high-tech solutions into their processes, companies that don’t keep up will be left behind.

Overall, this update is a promising step forward for anyone looking to sell to public institutions. By making the purchasing process more efficient and transparent, businesses of all sizes will have a fairer shot at securing lucrative contracts.

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Ryan Wu

Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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