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"Ojalá vea algo por un ojo": La comentada publicación de Pablo Mackenna hacia Fabiola Campillai - Central Noticia

By Elias Herrera
Published in Politica Nacional
May 08, 2023
1 min read
"Ojalá vea algo por un ojo": La comentada publicación de Pablo Mackenna hacia Fabiola Campillai - Central Noticia

So, I was reading this article titled “Ojalá vea algo por un ojo” about a controversial tweet by Pablo Mackenna directed at Fabiola Campillai. The tweet came after Fabiola, a woman from Chile, was blinded by police brutality during protests against the government. Pablo’s tweet, which roughly translates to “I hope you see something with one eye”, caused a lot of backlash.

Essentially, the article talks about how Pablo faced criticism for his statement, as people felt it was insensitive and inconsiderate towards Fabiola’s suffering. It also sheds light on the fact that this tweet is just one example of a larger issue of oppressive attitudes towards marginalized communities in Chile.

I think it’s really important to address how words and actions can deeply affect individuals who have experienced trauma. It’s our responsibility as a society to be mindful of how we speak about these issues, and to work towards creating a more understanding and inclusive environment. It’s crazy to think that some people still don’t realize the impact of their words, especially in situations where people are already struggling. We need to do better.

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Elias Herrera

Elias Herrera

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