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OMS sugiere evitar el consumo de endulzantes: ¿Debemos eliminarlos de la dieta? - NorteVision

By Isabel Thakur
Published in Mascotas
May 23, 2023
1 min read
OMS sugiere evitar el consumo de endulzantes: ¿Debemos eliminarlos de la dieta? - NorteVision

Have you ever wondered about the side effects of consuming artificial sweeteners? The WHO suggests limiting their intake, and now the OMS urges the public to avoid them entirely. According to a recent article on NorteVision, the consumption of these sweeteners has increased dramatically due to the global obesity epidemic and the desire to reduce sugar intake. However, research indicates that artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and saccharin, may lead to an array of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. The OMS recommends opting for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup and avoiding sugary drinks, which are the primary sources of added sugars in our diet. Cutting out artificial sweeteners might be challenging, but it is a significant step towards improving overall health and well-being. As someone who has struggled with sugar addiction, I have found that by incorporating natural sweeteners like dates and stevia into my diet, I can still satisfy my cravings without harmful side effects. It’s essential to educate ourselves and make informed choices about what we consume to lead a healthier lifestyle.

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Isabel Thakur

Isabel Thakur

Food & Fashion Writer

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