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ONU aprueba "histórico" Tratado de Biodiversidad en alta mar - El Periodista

By Kevin Sato
Published in Actualidad
June 26, 2023
1 min read
ONU aprueba "histórico" Tratado de Biodiversidad en alta mar - El Periodista

The United Nations (UN) has approved a groundbreaking treaty in a major step towards preserving marine biodiversity. The treaty is designed to protect high seas and their delicate ecosystems from overfishing, resource extraction, and other harmful activities. This new measure is particularly significant because it will protect around two-thirds of the world’s oceans that are beyond national jurisdiction. The treaty has been approved after years of negotiations and represents a significant achievement for the international conservation community. It will assist in the establishment of marine protected areas and set limits for commercial fishing in order to protect vulnerable species. The adoption of this treaty illustrates the importance of international collaboration and political will in safeguarding our planet’s natural resources. This treaty is a stepping stone towards greater protections for our marine environments. It serves as a reminder that we need to consider not only our individual interests, but the long-term well-being of our planet.

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Kevin Sato

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