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Panorama de Género 2023: Las mujeres están atrasadas en todos los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, advierte la ONU

By Oliver Gallo
Published in Actualidad
September 11, 2023
2 min read
Panorama de Género 2023: Las mujeres están atrasadas en todos los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, advierte la ONU

The latest Gender Snapshot 2023 by the United Nations (UN) is sending a clear message: women are falling behind in all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This eye-opening report caught my attention as it highlights the persistent challenges women face in achieving equal rights and opportunities worldwide.

According to the Gender Snapshot, we see a concerning trend where women are lagging behind in every aspect of the SDGs. These goals, adopted by the UN in 2015, aim to tackle issues such as poverty, education, health, and gender equality by 2030. However, this report reveals that progress towards gender equality is slow, and women still face profound disparities.

In terms of education, the Gender Snapshot reveals that over 130 million girls remain out of school, denying them crucial opportunities for personal and professional development. This inequality in education perpetuates the cycle of poverty and limits women’s ability to participate fully in society.

Another glaring issue highlighted by the UN report is violence against women. Shockingly, approximately 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence, often from intimate partners. This statistic is a sobering reminder of the tremendous work that still needs to be done to eliminate gender-based violence.

Furthermore, women’s representation in decision-making roles remains inadequate. Although progress has been made, women are still significantly underrepresented in political leadership positions, corporate boards, and other positions of power. This not only hampers the potential for diverse perspectives and inclusive decision-making but also perpetuates gender inequalities.

The Gender Snapshot also sheds light on the disproportionate burden of unpaid care work that falls on women. Women spend more than twice as much time as men on unpaid domestic chores and caregiving responsibilities. This unequal distribution of work limits women’s opportunities for economic empowerment and hinders their ability to participate in the workforce.

This report serves as a reminder that gender equality is not just a lofty ideal, but a critical element for the achievement of all SDGs. Empowering women and achieving gender equality not only benefits women themselves but also contributes to economic growth and social progress. It is crucial for governments, international organizations, and civil society to work together to address these disparities and create a more equitable world for all.

In conclusion, the Gender Snapshot 2023 highlights the alarming reality that women are significantly trailing behind in the pursuit of sustainable development goals. This report emphasizes the urgent need to prioritize gender equality, tackle violence against women, address educational disparities, and promote women’s representation in decision-making roles. By taking concrete actions to close these gaps, we can move closer to a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

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