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Para beneficiar a INE, ministro Laynez violentó la Constitución: Consejería de Presidencia

By Owen Galvez
Published in Politica Nacional
May 09, 2023
1 min read
Para beneficiar a INE, ministro Laynez violentó la Constitución: Consejería de Presidencia

Yo! Check out this wild article I just read titled, “Para beneficiar a INE, ministro Laynez violentó la Constitución: Consejería de Presidencia.” The title alone had me hooked, and after reading it, I am blown away by the corruption and disregard for the law.

Basically, the Council of the Presidency in Spain is calling out Justice Minister Juan Carlos Campo for violating the Constitution in order to benefit the National Institute of Statistics (INE). Apparently, Campo approved the release of personal data from the National Registry of Individuals to the INE without proper authorization, breaching privacy laws and causing a major uproar.

I cannot believe that someone in such a high position of power would blatantly break the law for personal gain. It’s infuriating to see these instances of corruption take place because it undermines our faith in the government.

This article sheds light on the importance of upholding the law and holding those in power accountable for their actions. We cannot allow those who hold influential positions to abuse their power for their own benefit at the expense of others.

In conclusion, this article serves as a reminder that corruption knows no bounds and that it is up to us as citizens to demand integrity and accountability from those in positions of power.

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Owen Galvez

Owen Galvez

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