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Parlamentarios del Frente Amplio denuncian ante Fiscalía y ofician al Servel candidatura de Karla Añez por el PDG en Arica

By Maya Ito
Published in Politica Nacional
May 11, 2023
1 min read
Parlamentarios del Frente Amplio denuncian ante Fiscalía y ofician al Servel candidatura de Karla Añez por el PDG en Arica

So, I was just reading this article about some politicians from a party called Frente Amplio who reported a candidacy to the authorities because they suspect it might be breaking the law. Karla Añez, from a party called Partido Democrático de la Gente (PDG), is apparently running for office in Arica, but some people are not too happy about it.

Basically, this group of politicians went to the Fiscalía and Servel (which are like government watchdogs) to denounce her because they believe she is not eligible to be a candidate. Apparently, there are some legal requirements that she might not be meeting, but they are still investigating.

It’s interesting to me because I’ve been learning more about how important it is to pay attention to the people we elect to represent us. It’s not just about who gives the best speeches or looks the most photogenic, but about who has the credentials, experience, and integrity to do the job well. It’s up to us to hold them accountable and make sure they follow the law.

It’s too soon to say what will happen with this particular case, but it’s a good reminder that we should always try to stay informed and participate in the decisions that affect our lives. Who knows, maybe you and I could be the ones making a difference someday.

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Maya Ito

Maya Ito

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