Pedro Pascal, the Chilean actor known for his roles in “The Mandalorian” and “Narcos,” has a new project lined up with director Conan Sutherland, who is best known for directing the Netflix series “Barbarian.” The new project is a feature film adaptation of acclaimed author Jo Nesbø’s novel “The Son.”
The novel follows a young man named Sonny Lofthus, who is serving time in a prison in Oslo, Norway, for crimes he didn’t commit. Sonny’s father was a police officer who died by suicide after being accused of corruption. In prison, Sonny becomes addicted to heroin and begins receiving messages from his dead father, leading him down a dangerous path of revenge and redemption.
Pascal is set to play Sonny Lofthus in the film, which will be produced by Media Rights Capital and directed by Sutherland. The project will reunite the actor and director after previously working together on the TV series “The Mentalist.” The novel “The Son” has been highly praised for its intricate plot and complex characters.
This is exciting news for fans of Nesbø’s work, as well as fans of Pascal and Sutherland. The project has garnered attention from moviegoers and fans of the genre alike due to its source material, talented cast and crew, and intriguing premise. As with any book-to-film adaptation, there will be anticipation and expectation from fans to see how the story is translated to the big screen. Regardless, it’s exciting to see Pascal join forces with Sutherland again for what promises to be a gripping film.
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