A hospital in the town of Colina, Chile, has been at the center of controversy for years due to the false promises made by Chilean President Sebastián Piñera. In an article titled “Piñera y sus falsas promesas: El hospital fantasma de Colina, crónica de una burla hacia el pueblo,” the author details the ongoing saga surrounding the unused hospital.
The article begins by discussing how Piñera promised to deliver a new public hospital to the town of Colina during his first presidential campaign in 2009. However, the hospital was never completed, and the building has remained empty for years.
The author then goes on to discuss the various excuses given by the government and Piñera himself for the delay in opening the hospital. The reasons range from contractual issues to concerns over financing. However, none of these reasons have been satisfactory to the local community who have been left without a nearby public hospital.
Finally, the article concludes by highlighting the frustration felt by the community in Colina, pointing out that the empty hospital is just one example of the false promises made by politicians. The author argues that the health of citizens should be a top priority for any government, and the failure to deliver on promises such as this is unacceptable.
The article sheds light on the ongoing issue of broken promises in politics and the impact it can have on local communities. It highlights the need for accountability and transparency in politics, especially when it comes to public health.
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