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Pilar Cuevas, consejera RN: “Si es necesario reponer cada una de las libertades que no pudieron quedar consagradas en el anteproyecto, créeme que lo vamos a hacer”

By Owen Galvez
Published in Politica Nacional
June 17, 2023
1 min read
Pilar Cuevas, consejera RN: “Si es necesario reponer cada una de las libertades que no pudieron quedar consagradas en el anteproyecto, créeme que lo vamos a hacer”

So, I was reading this article about a woman named Pilar Cuevas who is a counselor for RN. She’s pretty passionate about something we can all relate to - freedom. According to the article, Pilar is committed to fighting for all the freedoms that were left out of the anteproyecto (a preliminary proposal for a new law) in Chile. She believes that every single one of those liberties deserves to be included and if it comes down to it, she’s willing to fight for them all. That’s pretty impressive if you ask me.

What I found most interesting about the article is how determined Pilar is to see this through. She’s not just talking about it, she’s making moves to ensure that every single freedom is accounted for. I think that’s something we could all learn from - if you want something done, you’ve got to be willing to fight for it.

As someone who values freedom myself, I appreciate Pilar’s dedication to this cause. It’s important to remember that our freedoms are what make us who we are and we shouldn’t let anyone take them for granted. Whether you’re fighting for freedom in Chile or in your own backyard, it’s important to keep this in mind.

Overall, I think this article is a great reminder of why it’s important to stay informed about what’s happening in the world around us. Even if we’re not directly affected by it, issues like this can have a significant impact on the world we live in. So if you’re like me and you believe in fighting for what you believe in, take a note from Pilar and never give up on your freedoms.

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Owen Galvez

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