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Pilar Cuevas, consejera RN: “Si es necesario reponer cada una de las libertades que no pudieron quedar consagradas en el anteproyecto, créeme que lo vamos a hacer”

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Politica Nacional
June 22, 2023
1 min read
Pilar Cuevas, consejera RN: “Si es necesario reponer cada una de las libertades que no pudieron quedar consagradas en el anteproyecto, créeme que lo vamos a hacer”

Hey there! I read a pretty interesting article titled “Pilar Cuevas, consejera RN: ‘Si es necesario reponer cada una de las libertades que no pudieron quedar concagradas en el anteproyecto, créeme que lo vamos a hacer’“.

Basically, it’s about Pilar Cuevas, a Chilean politician who is determined to fight for every liberty that may have been left out of a new government proposal. She wants to make sure all freedoms are protected and given to the people.

It’s great to see someone so passionate about upholding the rights of citizens, especially in a time where we see a lot of governments trying to restrict them.

I remember when I was studying abroad, I witnessed a lot of political protests in the streets. It was inspiring to see so many people fighting for what they believe in and what they deserve. It’s nice to know that there are politicians like Pilar Cuevas out there who are willing to fight alongside them.

Overall, the article is an important reminder to all of us that we should never take our freedoms for granted and that it’s crucial to have people in power who will fight to protect them.

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