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Pipe Calderón habla de su pasión por el ejercicio y cómo la fusiona con el ayuno intermitente

By Ryan Wu
Published in Vida Sana
June 22, 2023
1 min read
Pipe Calderón habla de su pasión por el ejercicio y cómo la fusiona con el ayuno intermitente

So, I just read this article about Pipe Calderón, the Colombian singer, and his passion for exercise and intermittent fasting. It was really interesting!

Basically, Pipe is super dedicated to his fitness routine and he’s found that incorporating intermittent fasting into his lifestyle has really helped him stay healthy and energized. He talks about how he does a 16-hour fast every day, and how he makes sure to properly refuel his body with healthy, nutrient-dense foods during his eating window.

What I found most fascinating was how Pipe emphasized the mental benefits of his exercise regimen and fasting routine. He talked about how staying active and disciplined helps him feel more focused and productive throughout the day, and how fasting helps him be more mindful of his habits and choices.

Personally, I think it’s really inspiring to see how someone like Pipe can maintain such a healthy lifestyle while still pursuing his music career and other passions. It’s a great reminder that we can all prioritize our health and wellness in our own lives, no matter how busy we may be.

Overall, I think this article is definitely worth checking out if you’re interested in fitness or intermittent fasting. It provides some great insights into how we can approach our health in a more holistic way, and how taking care of our bodies can have positive impacts on our mental wellbeing too.

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Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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