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Polémica charla sobre ’diente negro’ de Pedro Pascal fue lo segundo más denunciado al CNTV en mayo

By Grace Chen
Published in Entretenimiento
June 08, 2023
1 min read
Polémica charla sobre ’diente negro’ de Pedro Pascal fue lo segundo más denunciado al CNTV en mayo

The controversial speech on “black tooth” by famous actor Pedro Pascal was the second most reported event to Chile’s National Television Council (CNTV) in the month of May. Pascal was invited to give a speech at a cultural center, where he told a personal anecdote about a woman with a black tooth that left the audience perplexed and irked. According to the report, the viewers reported that the speech was racist, discriminatory and reinforced negative stereotypes. While Pascal’s intentions may have been innocent, this incident highlights the importance of considering the impact our words have on others. Discrimination in any form is unacceptable and should be called out. As society progresses, it is important to address such incidents and strive towards equality and understanding.

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Grace Chen

Grace Chen

Freelance Writer

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September 15, 2023
1 min

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